Career Per Se takes its name from two Chinese characters, 璞 (pronounced as "Pu" similar to "Per") and 蹊 (pronounced as "Xi" similar to "Se"). "Pu" in Chinese means "a rough jade stone" (or metaphorically in English “a diamond in the rough”) which is referred to as the talents to be discovered and developed; "Xi" means "footpath" or "pathway". By combining these two characters, it means “the pathway that leads to the undiscovered potential...” and it fairly states our mission:

At Career Per Se, we provide professional human resources solutions to the clients through counseling and advising talent acquisition strategy that aligns to their business goals.

To achieve this mission, we provide service offerings as follow:

To the clients:

  • Executive Search: target high level executives experienced with P&L management in directly competing industries; assignments as such will deal with high sensitivity, strict confidentiality and low profile

  • Professional Recruitment Service: target professional experts in specific technical and engineering fields, managers or above in sales, marketing, procurement, quality, logistics, service and so on

  • Interactive HR Forums: to provide a platform for HR Business Partners to share and exchange ideas, even if it's just a regular Q&A

To the candidates:

  • Career/Employment Counseling – assist the candidates with the determination of their career aspiration and development plans.

  • Job placements – through detailed discussion with clients on their corporate strategies and proactively recommend the talents with potential for clients' future growth.

  • Entrepreneurship Forum, Community Services, Professional Networking and Referral Incentive Programs

Our business stems from building strong partnership with the clients as trusted advisers and extended HR business partners. We believe it's a long-term journey that requires continual practice and improvement.  We will keep on learning and evolving to provide optimal solutions that fit your talent strategy.


我們的使命: 提供企業最佳人力資源解決方案及提供求職者最適職涯諮詢及工作推介。

深入瞭解企業之經營概況、組織架構與企業文化,配合職務內容和條件,推薦合適人選,並提供人選性格、工作能力與在職工作表現紀錄、顧問評估、資歷查核(Reference Check)等錄用參考。



璞蹊之命名及由來 (以下解釋節自教育部萌典): 

璞來自"采光剖璞" ~ 采集金子,剖取璞中之玉。比喻挑選人才。漢·荀爽·與郭叔都書:「鹽車之驥,自非伯樂,無以顯名,采光剖璞,以獨見寶,實為足下利之。」

蹊來自"桃李不言,下自成蹊。" ~ 蹊,小路。全句指桃樹、李樹不會說話,但因其花朵美豔,果實可口,人們紛紛去摘取,於是便在樹下踩出一條路來。比喻為人真誠篤實,自然能感召人心。